Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Desperate for donations


I am going to have to cut back on my sponsorship because I am just not receiving any donations at the moment. The reality of that is that life for him is going to become harder. Of course, most people in the developed world can't appreciate what that means. We all think we have a hard time with money and saving but try living on 3 or 4 euros a day like this student does ... and he is the lucky one who gets supported from a donor ... ie me.

Any donations go directly to his account in Swaziland. Nhlanhla is pictured above in yellow.

The kind of place where Nhlanhla grew up is typical of a township in Swaziland - no running water, makeshift buildings which often collapse in the rain and are not properly waterproof, inadequate sewage and no services like electricity, no refuse collection. Feral dogs run around and sometimes attack children. It is too hot in the summer months and too cold in winter.

School fees are in the region of three to four thousand rand a year (EUR 300 - 400) and if no one pays, you don't go to school. Schools are very poorly equipped and teachers are underpaid. You have to pay extra for books even. It is with this background that Nhlanhla achieved excellent grades in his school leaving exams at the end of last year.